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Save community legal centres: End the funding crisis

Community legal centres help hundreds of thousands of people every year to resolve everyday legal problems in areas like housing, relationships, debts and money problems, and discrimination. People trust their local community legal centre to support them early, before legal problems snowball to crisis point.

Community legal centres (including Women's Legal Services) and Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services (FVPLSs) also play a crucial role preventing and responding to domestic and family violence. Frontline family law and family violence services make up the largest areas of work for many of the 160+ centres across Australia.


Right now, a funding and workforce crisis is putting community legal centres’ vital work at risk.


The 2024 Federal Budget failed to provide the urgent funding boost and long-term funding security the community legal sector desperately needs.

With less than a year’s guaranteed funding left, community legal centres are in the most precarious position they have seen in a decade. Right now, centres across the country are turning away over a thousand people a day who need help. Right now, they are being forced to make difficult decisions about which programs and outreaches to cut back, which workers to let go, and when to close their books.

Every day that passes without a response to this crisis puts the people who rely on community legal centres to stay safe, housed, and financially secure at even greater risk.

People experiencing poverty and disadvantage deserve to feel certain that the community legal centres they rely on will continue to exist beyond July 1, 2025.

We call on governments to step up and deliver fair funding for community legal centres:

1. $35 million this year to address the workforce crisis facing community legal centres. We need this urgent investment recommended by the NLAP review to stabilise our workforce and maintain service delivery at current levels.

2. At least $270 million per year for community legal centres from 1 July 2025, committed by December 2024: With double the Commonwealth funding currently in the service system, all community legal centres can start to help more of the 368,000 people per year currently turned away. Announcing the total Commonwealth investment in community legal centres under the next five-year funding agreement by December 2024 will mean community legal centres can focus on helping people, and not be forced to spend precious time and energy planning for redundancies and service closures.

3. $95 million for frontline domestic and family violence work. This is the investment required to enable all community legal centres to meet demand for legal assistance services and holistic support from victim-survivors of domestic and family violence

Community Legal Centres Australia represents over 160 organisations nationally, including place-based or “generalist” community legal centres, specialist community legal centres (including 13 Women’s Legal Services), 11 Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLSs), and 2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILSs). This statement outlines the funding needs of community legal centres. We support calls from national FVPLS and ATSILS peak bodies, First Nations Advocates Against Family Violence and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services, for fair funding for the Aboriginal community-controlled services they represent.

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Endorsed by:

54 Reasons

Aboriginal Family Legal Services Queensland


​ACT Council of Social Service

Advocacy Law Alliance Ltd

Amnesty International

Anika Legal

Animal Defenders Office

Animal Law Institute

ARC Justice

Arts Law Centre of Australia

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Australian Centre for Disability Law

Australian Council of Social Service

Australian Democracy Network

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

Australian Services Union

Australians Against Domestic Violence

Barwon Area Integrated Family Violence Committee

Barwon Community Legal Service

Basic Rights Queensland

Better Renting

Brigid Justice Ltd

Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre

Brotherhood of St. Laurence

Canberra Community Law

Care Consumer Law

CatholicCare Victoria

Caxton Community Legal Centre

Central Australian Women's Legal Service

Central Coast Community Legal Centre

Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre

Central West WDVCAS

Central West Womens Health Centre

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

Centre for Innovative Justice, RMIT University

Centre for Women's Economic Safety

Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing


Circle Green Community Legal

Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW

Communities Council on Ethnic Issues (CCOEI)

Community Justice Services SA

Community Legal Centres Australia

Community Legal Centres NSW

Community Legal Centres Queensland

Community Legal Centres SA

Community Legal Centres Tasmania

Community Legal WA

Consumer Action Law Centre

Consumer Credit Legal Service WA

Consumer Policy Research Centre


Darwin Community Legal Services

Disability Advocacy Network Australia

Disability Advocacy Service Inc. NT

Disability Discrimination Legal Service


Domestic Violence Information Library (Australia)

Domestic Violence NSW

Eastern Community Legal Centre

Economic Justice Australia

Emma House Domestic Violence Services Legal Program 

Environmental Defenders Office (EDO)

Equality Australia

Faculty of Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney

Family Relationship Centre Ballarat Geelong and Shepparton

Federation of Community Legal Centres VIC

Financial Counselling Australia

Financial Rights Legal Centre 

Fingle Sin

First Nations Advocates Against Family Violence

First Nations Women's Legal Service QLD

Fitzroy Legal Service

Flat Out Inc.

Fremantle Community Legal Centre

Full Stop Australia


Gateway Family Services

Gippsland Disability Advocacy

Goldfields Community Legal Centre

Grata Fund

Great Southern Community Legal Services

Health Justice Australia

Her Story Mparntwe

Hub Community Legal

Human Rights Law Centre 

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service

Hunter Community Legal Centre

Illawarra Legal Centre

Immigration Advice and Rights Centre 

Indonesian Women Islamic Network of Australia Inc

Inner City Legal Centre

Inner Melbourne Community Legal

Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA)

Intellectual Disability Rights Service


JusticeNet SA

Justice and Equity Centre

Justice Connect

Justice Reform Initiative

Justice Support Centre

Katherine Women's Information and Legal Service

Kids Under Cover

Kingsford Legal Centre


Law and Advocacy Centre for Women

Law Institute of Victoria

LGBTI Legal Service

Macarthur Legal Centre

Mackay Advocacy Inc

Mackay Regional Community Legal Centre

Martin Roberts Creative Therapies

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Melbourne University Student Union Legal Centre


Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre

MIDLAS Community Legal Centre

Mission Australia

Mob Strong Debt Help

Moonee Valley Legal Service

Mountains Community Resource Network

Multicultural Australia

National Association of Renters' Organisations

National Justice Project

Nexus Chambers

North and North West Community Legal Service

North West Community Legal Centre

Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre

Northern Suburbs Community Legal Centre

NT Community Legal Centres

Older Women's Network Blue Mountains

Older Women's Network NSW

Orange Aboriginal Medical Service

Peel Community Legal Services

Pilbara Community Legal Service

Proserpine Community Centre

Queensland Council of Social Service

Queensland Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (QNADA)

Reclaim the Night Cairns

Redfern Legal Centre

Refugee Advice and Casework Services (RACS)

Retail and Fast Food Workers Union

Ruah Legal Services

Safe and Equal

Save the Children

Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association

Seniors Rights Service

Settlement Services International

Sex Workers Outreach Project Inc. (a.k.a. SWOP NSW)

Sexual Assault Referral Centre

Social Change Projects

South Australian Financial Counsellors Association

South West Community Legal Centre

Southern Communities Advocacy Legal and Education Service (SCALES)

Southside Justice

Street Law Centre WA

Suncoast Community Legal Centre

Sussex Street Community Legal Centre

Tangentyere Council

TASC Legal and Social Justice Services 

Tasmanian Refugee Legal Service

Tenants Queensland Ltd

Tenants Union of NSW

Tenants' Union of Tasmania

The Benevolent Society

The Foundation for Young Australians

The Salvation Army

The Services Union

The Sexual Assault & Family Violence Centre

The Twenty Ten Association

Thrive Services Inc

Top End Women's Legal Service

Tuart Place

Underwood Mediation

Upper Murray Family Care

Usyd Queer Action Collective

UTS Law Students' Society

Victoria Alcohol & Drug Association

Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Services

Welfare Rights and Advocacy Service WA

Welfare Rights Centre NSW

Wendy Brooks & Partners

Western Australian Association for Mental Health

Western NSW Community Legal Centre

Western Sydney Community Legal Centre

Westside Community Lawyers

Whittlesea Community Connections

Wide Open Co.


Women’s Legal Service NSW

Women's Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West

Women's Legal Service SA

Women's Legal Service Tasmania

Women's Legal Service Victoria

Women's Legal Service WA

Women's Legal Services Australia

Working Women's Centre SA

Wotton + Kearney

YFS Legal

Youth Law Australia

Youth Legal Service WA

Youthlaw Victoria

Zonta Club of the Blue Mountains

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